Whether learning a musical instrument is due to pursuing a career or for personal fulfillment and recreation, one to one tuition will greatly benefit a new music student.
Working with a private tutor can help a student keep up with peers in a group setting. Each child learns at a different pause and because of the different aspects of performing an instrument, children will progress at varied paces, which is why one to one tuition can be the way forward.
Private lessons can also help minimise frustration when learning. Some may give up learning an instrument because of frustrations, however, with one to one tuition, the teacher will be patient and is there to guide the learner through every step of the way.
Children will learn more quickly the fundamentals of playing. Solid foundations are built for the child to continue learning, playing and succeeding. They will build confidence and, ultimately, won't give up.
They will also learn how to practise and perfect their new found skill - something which will be vital in later life. It is important they practise at home so they are progressing much quicker rather than coming back to private tuitions and possibly forgetting what they have learned if there are gaps between lessons.
Lastly, it's easier to stay motivated with private tuitions. Instructors are knowledgeable about different music literature and styles and can help the student discover what new music to learn and what goal to pursue next.
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